Saturday, March 28, 2015

Singleton pattern with static struct dispatch_once and a letter written in the past from memory is

Singleton pattern with static struct dispatch_once and a letter written in the past from memory is a little annoying. Nikkan group a little to the bottom line. So I find it surprisingly simple, and found a way to apply the singleton pattern to the class of Swift. Very simple enough, is the classic 'method using a global variable. private let _someClassSharedInstance = SomeClass () class SomeClass {class func sharedInstance () -> SomeClass {return _someClassSharedInstance}} It is really simple. pdt :-) Would be heard in person bwatgeona faced the problem of parallel programming, etc. If this approach seems to be dangerous once the Objective-C time threads. But let's not worry about it. In Swift variables declared by let one thread-safe is guaranteed by default. Constant (Constants), only the first value assignment, pdt consider the fact that because it is allowed. And global variables are lazy Swift is handled. In other words, the above sharedInstance pdt () class method if the instance is not created nor even call it any time. Therefore, an instance is created when the first time Singleton Factory method call, which means that even if you do not use memory leaks. In conclusion, compared pdt with existing dispatch_once I also like the way the code is simplified and jimyeo ability was similar code readability. Note that it is possible for the Swift class way to pass a singleton instance of a property, not in the method as shown below, because you can use the class var. private let _someClassSharedInstance = SomeClass () class SomeClass {class var sharedInstance: pdt SomeClass {return _someClassSharedInstance}} If both of these are hobulho jotnya any way I Galicia. How the existing foundations are familiar with the way the method is called. The easy way to renovate the property, but doeni parentheses less. Catch as something good. Struct, of course, know not spend the Singleton pattern. Since the reference copy is impossible ... [Related articles] Swift - Singleton pattern (Singleton Pattern) (dispatch_once and static struct version) [Related articles] Swift Memory Management pdt # 3 - structure (struct) and class (class) [Related articles pdt - Swift (Swift) Guide
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