Budatoki Devi (38) and her children Mandzhur (14), Niradzh (12) and Mandir (7) of odalechenoto mountain village Dolk area of northern Nepal suffer from excessive vlaknetost congenital mat syndrome (congenital hypertrichosis), also known as "werewolf syndrome", which all three children inherited from the mother.
Because mother and two older children in hospital Dulikel in Kavre, one of the suburbs of the Nepali capital Kathmandu successfully undergone laser treatment where excess fibers are removed from the people.
The other two children hope that now, with the entry into puberty and teenage years, the new look will facilitate mat companionship and will be exempt from zadevanjata, who were exposed to whole life passed "Blitz".
Before leaving neinvanzivniot mat treatment is promised, the mother of the family mat Budatok said she does not care for themselves, how children after she heard about the opportunity, spoke about the new life that awaits mat them.
Hypertrichosis is a condition of abnormal vlaknetost face and body, which can be generaliziana the whole body or localized, confined to one area. The family Budatok mat with vlaknatosta least suitable Niradzh son, only his face and back, while his father Nara Badur (65) does not suffer from this syndrome, which all children have inherited from the mother.
Congenital mat forms of hypertrichosis can be treated, and the condition can be repaired to permanently remove hair. Such treatment can leave and side effects such as bruising, inflammation and hypersensitivity of the skin. In Budatoki family, however, pass without consequences, as witnessed by their happy smiles after the procedure.
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