Monday, February 3, 2014

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Three sisters vrkolaci (photo) |
Home News Macedonia Overseas Cash and knowledge recreation Sports Entertainment Scene Living Lifestyle Gastronomy Travel Toys Technology m2 Km / h Photo & Video unhealthy Editorials Photo Diary column, written at night ... Wednesday mondo Kolumnikulum Vita Sport Interviews
Sisters every day use special creams to control hair growth. mondo They hope to one day raise enough money for laser surgery to remove the hair and will finally be able to have a normal life.
Their 40-year-old mother Anita claims that children syndrome inherited from their father, which she was forced to marry at 12 years. Because marriage was arranged Anita knew that negovoto body is covered with hair until their wedding night. They were married until 2007, when he died. She has six daughters, three of which have the syndrome. Mother and daughters beside mondo appearance is hoping to marry.
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