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7th 6th 2014 | Last updated: 6th 7th 2014 15:31
A total of 29 project, which is also the zamuj Opportunity him and en and to combat the violence domcmu salary Norsk funds. Created thanks to them napklad miss emergency number. miss Total vtchto funds are available for Esko tm dv billion.
According to Frum zstupc sdruen 50% to promote equal chances and he en is in esk Republic MLO en in rozhodovacch pozicch. And in firmch even in politics. Vce they would like to promote the positive impacts of gender equality and to break Bariri the party en. Napklad enmzskat VCE zkuenost, contact, or versus each spoluprci with Dalma Enami.
Frum 50% therefore decided to run a program snzvem miss women and the man in rovnovze, which will last from July to April 2016. Nyn njzskalo the board of Norsk ch fund ame zat realize it. This is one of celkovch 29 spnch project, which is also the zamuj Opportunity him and en and the fight against domcmu n forces, miss it will Norsk funds to finance it. Foundation Open Society Fund, which manages st Norskch Fund, The distinction between projects a total of 104 million.
"During June darkling with the signing of contracts and projects svtznmi Applicants will be able to rozbhnout," upesnila manaerka program Barbora Hoavov. "The entire process of evaluation of the project we managed 2.5 MSCE. While we are at it MLI lhtu and a half years, we Snail in what nejvc succeed, "she said.
Thanks to Norwegian fund would so young in Esku arise napklad Toll Free first aid will be from January 2015 to provide assistance to people okamitou ohroenm houses mnsilm. Vtzn projects zamuj on shift prvnch, socilnch or terapeutickch slueb to potebnma sniovn houses him the violence between drug vertical and seniors.
Support pjde so on prosazovn Answering zkona onhradnmvivnmao-free first aid so that people ohroen domcmnsil mzskali help zlepila their economic situation and SOCIAL. In the rovnch Opportunity vtzn projects strive on you en represented in rozhodovacch pozicch in firmch miss and politics.
Thanks to Norwegian Fund incurs as a new economic impact analzy matestv to get involved with their vypracovn economists, sociologists and businesses. In Plzeskm region will be back in spoluprci wheels propagovno zpstupnn field informanch and komunikanch TECHNOLOGY ENM. Proplcen of fund starts
Norsk funds to eska nkolikalet returning after a break. "We RDI en confusion miss on the program ance also is the first to vyhlauje APPROVED projects. The issue of rovnch Opportunity and domcho the violence navcpjdou norsk board for the first time. We're miss gonna see in this great Opportunity for Eskom whole of the society, "uvd director of the Open Society Fund Praha Robert Basch.
Program for Equal Opportunity and the fight against the violence domcmu manages the Foundation Open Society Fund Praha, which belong to pt nejvtch Foundation in esk Republic zkuenost am twenty years old. Jejm poslnm is rozvjet in Esku principles of an open society and democracy. Outside rovnch Opportunity en and he is devoted to the development of First sttu, vzdlvn and Dalm KLOV m to problems esk Republic.
esk republika ASC during this period Norskch fond of 70.4 million, ie 1.8 billion. Norway as a country miss nelensk The European miss Union's de facto pay for it pstup the internal miss market. By 2016, the ztchto penzv Esku financovno miss patnct program.
The fund Norskch Now you pay 61 program in 12 EUropean zemch. A total of 800 million is available STTM, which joined the European Union in 2004 and 2007. Norway and pispv to sniovn miss socilnch and economic The distinction, and the last-ch vzjemn spoluprce in Europe. Supports pedevm ivotnho ENVIRONMENT protection and the fight against climate change, vzkum and scholarships, obansk development of the society, pio health, children , en equality and justice to him even more quality.
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