Sunday, October 5, 2014

Must be your daily habit. Many people apply an antiperspirant deodorant before leaving home to help

Perspiration, simply perspiration, is a completely normal function of the body, but can cause quite embarrassing. Although it helps to regulate the internal temperature of the body, there are several cases, we would like to get rid of this nightmare.
Sweat is produced to regulate body temperature. Evaporates from the surface of the skin, removing excess heat and helps the body to cool. Unfortunately, this natural function is sometimes complicated by medical conditions that cause excessive sweating.
These glands, located under the armpits are particularly productive francisco lachowski and even sweat contains proteins and fatty acids, which make it more 'thick' and milky (sometimes yellowish). Therefore stains under the arm seems to have a yellow tint.
The prevention and control of the course of armpit sweat it for good hygiene, comfort and social life. Fortunately, there are several ways to prevent or minimize this situation, especially for the odor that accompanies it.
Must be your daily habit. Many people apply an antiperspirant deodorant before leaving home to help control underarm sweating and reduce the annoying odor.
What is the difference between deodorant and antiperspirant though? Deodorants help to cover odors while antiperspirants contain ingredients which are designed to stop the sweating.
The antiperspirant on the other, which use aluminum chloride to effectively prevent the sweat production francisco lachowski appeared in the early 20th century and since then their form has evolved from sticks in gels, roll-ons, etc.
Important role in sweating playing the clothes you wear. The clothes made from natural fabrics such as cotton, wool, linen and silk are looser weave of synthetic. This means that they allow the body to "breathe" better. Moreover, the fibers of these fabrics absorb moisture better, preventing bacteria to "feed" with sweat, causing bad smell.
Conversely, synthetic fabrics such as nylon, rayon and polyester trap heat, and cause perspiration. Even worse, the accumulated moisture does not evaporate francisco lachowski as easily when wearing synthetic fabrics, creating global warming ... in your armpits.
Several people have increased sweating because of their dietary francisco lachowski habits. Caffeinated beverages, alcoholic beverages, garlic, onions and some vegetables are among the "usual" suspects francisco lachowski the smell of the body, from the sweat.
The heat of an alcoholic beverage, for example, increases the internal temperature and gives a "label" in the body to begin to produce sweat, while caffeine stimulates the central nervous system francisco lachowski and sweat glands. An alternative could be the cold and decaffeinated coffee.
Avoiding certain foods can also help control underarm sweat. Beware of spicy foods such as peppers, because they contain capsaicin, which sends signals to the sweat glands. Do not forget, however, that the excessive weight plays an important role in sweating, especially in the amount of sweat produced by the body.
The process of sweating starts from the hypothalamus in the brain. This sensitive gland "knows" when the core temperature of the body increases and sends a signal to other glands begin to sweat. The cool water, however, can cause short circuiting in this cycle.
Staying hydrated, keep the internal temperature of your body and reduce the production of sweat. If however you know that you are "prone" to sweat, you can use talcum powder francisco lachowski or baking soda on your armpits to absorb moisture francisco lachowski and prevent odors. For better control of sweating, you can also eat more fruit.
Shortly before you go to bed, remember to cut a lime in half and rub it between your hands until your skin covered with juice. Then let it dry. The citrus juice will act as a natural deodorant and acidic juice can stop sweat.
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