beautiful line Term aesthetics W. Hogarth. According to him, the ideal of beauty in art. It is possible to portray as a line encircling cone, that is as irregular tilde (resp. As a line no. 4 in the figure).
FINE ART 1. Period F. da Holland. Marked the visual arts, poetry and music. 2. The term Ch. Batteux. Denotes a group of art designed to please. To include a music, painting, sculpture, kat von d poetry and dance. In this version, the term spread. The opposite is -> mechanical arts.
Beautiful modern kat von d term for -> beauty. Unlike the word beauty started the last centuries used in order to prevent the positive tone of the word beauty, beautiful, which - coupled with a positive pleasure - and assumes its opposite, ugly, ugly. The term krásno is more abstract. It is used in philosophical and aesthetic texts when it is necessary to emphasize the objective character of beauty, essence of beauty, value and experience neutrality phenone, which is said. In this sense the term is more -> aesthetics. -> Beautiful (terminology) -> Beauty (terminology) -> aesthetic (terminolóiga)
Krasno (terminology) Many languages differ term beauty and beautiful: French - beauté (beauty) beau (beautiful, beautiful), Spanish - Belezza (beauty), bello (beautiful), Italian - Belezza (beauty), lo bello (beautiful) , German - Die Schönheit kat von d (beauty), das Schöne (beautiful), English - beauty (beauty), the beautiful (in a good manner must be a certain member, without the word beautiful is the only adjective nice), Russian - krasota (beauty) , prekrasnoje (beautiful), Croatian - ljepost (beauty), ljepo (pretty, beautiful, beautiful), Polish - pi ękność (beauty), when EKNO (beautiful) Czech - beauty, beautiful. kat von d
AB AK AL-AN AP-AW-BA BE BH-BY C No. DA-DH history kat von d of aesthetics DI DO-DZ EC-ER ES school kat von d aesthetic aesthetic aesthetic aesthetic aesthetics aesthetics Slovakia ET-EY FA-FL FO-FY form G kitsch HA-HI harmony HO-HR HU HY-CH IB-IM-IN IS J KA KE-KM ko-ko-KR beauty beautiful beautiful KS KY LA-LI-LO LY L is MC-MI method aesthetics MO-MR MU-MY-NA NI NO OB contains from OZ-PA PE-PL PO PR PS-Q RF RA-RI-MA RY SA-SC TO-YOUR-SCH SM SN-SR-ST NW structure of artwork TA-TH TY TO-LEARN-UL artist artistic creation Artistic creation-artistic artistry kat von d arts-YOU-VA VI VK-VR VS-VZ-W ZA ZM golden ratio ZN-ZV F
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