And if reportage about the so-called pagan dragon year Džiaugsmelis Klaipeda. You can look from the eighth minute here. Especially I call to pay attention to the University ("the University"?) spinning Professor (a professor?) spinning Rimantas spinning Balsio speech. Apparently, RTL considers that the Eastern pagan Lithuanians are carrying our public interest.
It is very interesting how many people without the hectic media trumpets unto the year of the Dragon are aware of such a thing? How many people are without (almost all) the media thrust themselves seek horoscopes fortune-tellers, astrologers? Yes, any. Well internet, travel and the like. However, it is likely that a much higher proportion of their detailed knowledge of pagan astrological system and consciously aware of belonging.
Silenos city, Libya, terrorized by a dragon. City residents to placate the dragon gave him most of the animals bred, and later began to offer people. She wanted to donate and Kleolindą local princess, but at that time was Silene spinning St. George. He slew the dragon and rescued the princess. George spinning married spinning the princess Kleolindą and freed the city became a Christian.
Some sources say that the dragon - it's spinning Satan, the princess - a Christian church, and so St. George rescued her from the devil. According spinning to another source dragon former Satan, the princess and embodying all the suffering of humanity, spinning and St. George spinning as Christians spread the idea that Christianity would liberate humanity from the evil spread at the devil.
It sounds silly, but recently Eastern spinning Dragon as a symbol of religious introduction of the most serious užsiminėjo "Dragon Ball" series, the plot operation revolved around the idea that perform certain tasks dragon deity will raise the dead individuals. It is a pagan worldview animation based on religion Chinese folk tales. In his own time, it had a huge impact on young people; spinning beautiful reflection here.
Let's be like St. George and relentless nusmeikime dragons spinning and dragon with a spear, from now all the year 2012 (and later, of course) do not read horoscopes, thou shalt not "Dragon spinning Ball" Do not listen to fortune-tellers "advice".
0 - press and praise! Other entries on a similar theme: spinning According to what rules is played in the Lithuanian media? Where did Šeimadienis or marginalization of Christianity in the media Born Again? Redirected. Porn again. Media church criticize the Church because I am their woes guise outsider astrology dragon years heraldry horoscope mythology paganism Panorama Rimantas Balsys syncretism dragon Saint George Media
Anonymus says:
The cultures of the Western dragon is not good at the "reputation" of the character, and the negative, but somehow not mentioned here, that the Eastern culture, the dragon is a symbol spinning of wisdom and strength. And these horoscopic years came from eastern culture so it is natural that the dragon is a symbol of this horoskopinėje system, because it does not have anything spinning negative. That these pagan rites and the various linkages with certain animals are not very well agree, however, that the dragon is the only mythical creature negative kažkap mentioned here.
That's how both cultures dragon characters, but it is that his character and traits came from the East, not the West. Therefore, the value of oriental spinning culture is the most important (though not Catholics at all it possibly important in my opinion)
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