Tuesday, July 8, 2014

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Project "Partnership kitchen" Bomber time with ingredient we all loved to hate children, and Vatbgrotno we learned a great desire to devour: mushroom! Once again start to play with me project Hadas Ariel Kimchi shellac - Pink Lady, Einat Sagi - einatnutrition, Sarah Hornik - play food, Natalie Houlding - theVlog, Sivan Meiri - Siu - Food and Nuphar Yaari - not on lettuce alone.
The next course was born following shellac link gave me the following food plays a discussion we had on these fungi. Link took me to Allah's lights Recipe Pappardelle pasta, except instead of wheat flour pasta made from ... mushrooms king of the forest! I really like that idea, I flew to the supermarket shellac to buy these mushrooms, and at first spin this - I flew into the kitchen to try my luck.
Frankly, this is a dish that I object shellac to submit the restaurant to have (and will Inshallah!). Is special (mushroom pasta???), Is beautiful, it is gluten free, and it is so delicious! Nutty flavor - mozzarella mushroom king of these woods just awesome! There are no such things! I gave the members of the non - vegan tasting, shellac and they approved the fun would order such a thing out there, what a gourmet restaurant. And without saying anything, even said that the taste reminds some pizza! So if you / estate planning / s to prepare a romantic dinner for two (or two, or more, or less, I'm streaming ;)) or just if you fancy / Estate stun your cooking skills / Estate - Walk this maddening dose.
Soak the beans in water cages for 8 hours at least. shellac Strain the beans from the water, took a small pot and bring to a boil with new water. Add 1/2 teaspoon salt and cook over medium heat for half an hour, until the beans soften but not falling apart. Remove from heat and Strain water. Please aside.
In a large skillet heat the oil. Add the garlic, oregano and beans and fry two minutes. Add the mushrooms and salt strips, and Edo for about 4 minutes, until the mushrooms become soft and behave just like pasta. Buy seasoning if necessary (more salt, maybe pepper if you fancy / estate). Served shellac and savored!
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