Friday, July 11, 2014

,, Now it

Vsir -, the car is endless terrible "
,, Now it's a situation that I have feared all my life. Tumor was found in my body, "wrote Elizabeth Soley Stefánsdóttir, slender 36, in an anonymous article she published on the web for three weeks where she discussed this horrible feeling that she felt when she was told that she had a tumor in thigh which proved benign. This strong woman decided to come forward and talk about this difficult experience and how she handled this news. now it's come up a new post with Elizabeth but recently found changes in her lung and today she is waiting to go in sampling. This delay is long but Elizabeth is strong and she intends to 'tackle' this project as she says herself. Changes were found in the lung, I wrote this pistil slender for exactly three weeks ago. Then anonymously because I was not ready to tell. Fortunately concluded that the tumor was the size of an orange that I have learned is the benign. But not occurred to me that three weeks later I would be in the same position again. The wait is endless scary. Now found changes in the lung and I'm waiting for it to come in the sampling on Friday. Each day is like a whole eilfíð, "says Elizabeth. CrossFit her second home, worst seems to me to be disappeared from my routine, failing health to attend the CrossFit Reykjavik and be where my 1-2 hours a day ., I miss it terribly and all the friends I've acquired there., I hope I will get the green light as soon as possible to go back into CrossFit Reykjavik and get all the smiles that were there against her every day, "says Elizabeth who trains regularly but she also works as a judge when it comes to lifting. She plans to continue to meet the CrossFit Reykjavik is her second home. , Now is simply nothing more than to think positive and hope for the best. The process has begun, I feel many months, but in reality, these are just two to three weeks from the time I went to the doctor until I was already in the sampling, she wrote in the above article. Anyone tumor clearly, When I was lying on the bench in computed tomography, the screen in front of me, where I could see everything that took place. I saw clearly the tumor, the area was much clearer. Suddenly it dawned on me that this was not some dream that I would wake up from. Nor was this tangible, there loomed the tumor and filled out a much larger area than I ever did I realize. slender "Optimistic and positive Elizabeth is positive about our future. Experience, it is certainly difficult, the uncertainty and the waiting but she believes that all the best. She has decided to let go and trust for the best. 'As I've said before, this is one of the big projects I've got in life and yes I will tackle them with style, smile lip and struggle, as it is not known for anything else, "says this strong woman.
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